Diocese of Ferns
Latest News from Ferns Adoration Committee
The National Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration has drawn up a Constitution, approved by The Irish Bishops’ Conference, and now adopted by the Ferns Diocesan Adoration Committee.
Its stated ‘vision’ is that there be “a nucleus of people, in every parish of the Diocese, formed by sitting at the feet of Jesus Christ, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament”.
A Parish Adoration team, each member committed to one hour of adoration per week, will intercede for, inter alia, the conversion of the parish and the ministry of its priest(s).
The object of the document is to encourage, promote and regulate the advancement of Eucharistic Adoration in parishes of the Diocese. It sets down best practice regarding procedures, meetings, elections, finance and child safety. Requirements dealing with spiritual direction, adoration rosters, security and training are clearly laid out.
To date, adoration committees have begun or have been renewed in thirty one parishes or curacies of the Diocese. Approximately 1000 new people have been brought into adoration as a result of the work of the Diocesan Committee in these centres.
A chart of Adoration locations, days and times throughout the diocese has been compiled and is available to every parish and church. Telephone Monica Gahan at 087 6500866 or 087 6419960, or email fernadoration@gmail.com for this list, or indeed for any enquiry regarding the work of the Apostolate. The diocesan committee website is at www.fernsadoration.com