Catholic Schools Week 2021 will be celebrated from Sunday 24 January to Sunday 31 January 2021 on the theme ‘Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith and Resilience’. Please see below the resources for Primary, Post-Primary and for a resource for the celebration of Catholic Schools Week in your parish.

CSW2021 Poster 

Please find below the CSW2021 Posters for sharing to promote Catholic Schools Week 2021:

CSW2021 Flyers 

Please find below the flyers for sharing to promote CSW2021:

CSW2021 Resources for Post-Primary

Please find below the resources for Post-Primary Schools for Catholic Schools Week 2021:

Monday Resource
CSW2021 Monday Resource Post Primary
CSW2021 Monday Resource Post Primary IRISH (Available shortly)

Power Point Presentation
Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith and Resilience

Tuesday Resource
CSW2021 Tuesday Resource Post Primary
CSW2021 Tuesday Resource Post Primary IRISH (Available shortly)

Power Point Presentation
Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith

Wednesday Resource
CSW2021 Wednesday Resource Post Primary
CSW2021 Wednesday Resource Post Primary IRISH (Available shortly)

Power Point Presentation
Catholic Schools: Love and Intergenerational Solidarity

Thursday Resource
CSW2021 Thursday Resource Post Primary
CSS2021 Thursday Resource Post Primary IRISH (Available shortly)

Power Point Presentation
Catholic Schools: Communities of Challenges

Friday Resource
CSW2021 Friday Resource Post Primary
CSW2021 Friday Resource Post Primary IRISH (Available shortly)

Power Point Presentation 
Catholic Schools: Communities of Hope and Resilience


Acknowledgements: We are grateful to all of the members of the Catholic Schools Week Steering Committee and for those who provided additional resources to us for CSW2021. We also thank Colette Dower from Veritas for her design of this year’s resources.


24th–31st January                             Catholic Schools Week 2021 / Seachtain na Scoileanna Caitliceacha 2021

 The overarching theme for CSW 2021 will be: Catholic Schools:Communities of Faith and Resilience. / Pobail Chreidimh agus Teacht Aniar

 This particular theme will be especially relevant given the pandemic experience that is affecting the entire country. The following will be the daily themes for CSW 2021:

(1) Monday: Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith.

(2) Tuesday: Catholic Schools: Communities of Learning 

(3) Wednesday: Catholic Schools: Communities of Love

(4) Thursday: Catholic Schools: Communities of Resilience

(5) Friday: Catholic Schools: Communities of Hope

Resources for Catholic Schools Week will be uploaded on  and once upload I will forward them onto each school.