OUR FUTURE CHURCH recognises the gifts of the clergy, religious and laity to inspire faith and build hope in our parish communities – hopes for loving God and neighbour, for living our faith, for gathering together, for teamwork, for families and young people, for lay leadership, for learning together, for reaching out to the vulnerable, for mission, and for vocations to lay and ordained ministry.’  Bishop Ger Nash

  • Built upon the listening sessions of our synodal journey;
  • Shaped by the Council of Priests, the Diocesan Pastoral Council, parishes and Diocesan offices;
  • Supported by a pastoral development team of priests and laity working together.


  • Rooted in prayer;
  • Clergy and lay people working together;
  • Co-responsibility and teamwork;
  • Welcoming and invitational;
  • Supportive of mission and ministry;
  • Encouraging and inspiring people on their journey of faith;
  • Building parish life through helping others to share the Gospel.


‘We journey together to carry the light of Christ to others. This is our shared mission as Church and as communities of faith. This is the principle that governs all our activities, including the eight themes of ‘Our Future Church.’ And in all of this, we are mindful that we are building on a solid foundation of faith. As we move forward, we bear in mind the words of the prophet Isaiah, ‘Look to the rock from which you were hewn’ (Isaiah 51:1).’

Mission of the Parish

The mission of the parish is to continuously form communities of people, who are inspired by Jesus and proclaim God’s vision for our world through ongoing encounter, dialogue and action. 

Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council is a faith-development leadership group through which priests and people work together as co-responsible partners in furthering the mission of Christ in their own parish and pastoral area.

Key Questions of Pastoral Development

  1. Where are we now?
  2. Where are we going?
  3. How are we going to get there?

Roles of a Parish Pastoral Council with Themes from ‘Our Future Church’

  1. Church community (Welcome & Include; Empower & Flourish)
  2. Faith formation (Listen & Follow; Form & Lead)
  3. Worshipping God (Pray & Journey; Worship & Witness)
  4. Reaching out (Hope & Communicate; Love & Serve)

Pastoral Planning Process

  1. Agree area of focus or theme e.g. Welcome & Include
  2. Investigate and discuss the current reality for parishioners.
  3. Reflect upon possibilities through spiritual conversation.
  4. Recommend priorities through discernment.
  5. Outline achievable actions.
  6. Agree team and team leader.
  7. Agree a timeframe.



  1. Parish Priest, Chairperson and Secretary prepare the agenda;
  2. Members of PPC contribute items for the agenda;
  3. Agenda is circulated in advance;
  4. Members review materials circulated in advance of meeting.

The Meeting

  1. Prayer is an integral part of the meeting;
  2. Chairperson facilitates discussion and spiritual conversation with all members in line with agenda and actions are agreed;
  3. Begins and ends on time and dates are set for next meetings;
  4. Priorities for next meeting are established.

Following the Meeting

  1. Minutes are circulated including decisions taken and actions agreed with relevant team leader and team members;
  2. Actions are carried out and reflected upon;
  3. Decisions and outcomes communicated to wider parish;
  4. Links are maintained with the Area Pastoral Council and Diocesan Pastoral Council.


‘There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.’ (1 Cor 12:1-7)