Safeguarding Review
The Diocese of Ferns has invited the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (NBSCCCI) to conduct a review of safeguarding practice.
If you have any views about Safeguarding in the Diocese of Ferns, we invite you to come forward to us in the Diocesan Safeguarding Office on 053-9174972 or the NBSCCCI on 01-5053124.
If you wish to report a child safeguarding concern, please contact the Diocesan Designated Liaison Person (DLP) Marian Stack on 085-1055992 or the following civil authorities:
Civil Authorities
Enniscorthy: Gardaí: 053-9242580 & TUSLA:053-9233465
Gorey: Gardaí: 053-9430690 & TUSLA:053-9430100
New Ross: Gardaí: 051-426030 & TUSLA:053-9123522 ext.201
Wexford: Gardaí: 053-9165200 & TUSLA:053-9123522 ext.201