The links on this page have been restricted to their perceived relevance to the diocese of Ferns.

Christian Media Trust : The Trust broadcasts over 4 hours of religious and social affairs programming each week.

Catholic Bishops : The Communications Office of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Maynooth.

Getting Married? : Information offered by and ACCORD as a service to couples preparing for a Church wedding.

Co Wexford Heritage & Genealogy Society : The society was established to assist people in tracing their Wexford roots.

Veritas :   Veritas Publications publish a wide range of titles in a number of categories, such as theology, scripture, prayer, spirituality, parenting, counseling, liturgical resources and social issues.  Their retail outlets throughout the country stock a wide range of titles in the areas of psychology, Mariology, and homiletics. Veritas also public religious education textbooks for primary and post-primary schools, as well as the Irish Catholic Directory and the Liturgical Calendar each years.

Irish Bishops Drugs Initiative

Contemplative Outreach Ireland (COI), Clonard Parish Office, Clonard, Wexford.

ACCORD is an Irish voluntary Catholic organisation that aims to promote a deeper understanding of Christian marriage and to offer people the means to safeguard and nourish their marriage and family relationships.

World Missions Ireland

Wexford Photos – Photography by Lee Robinson and Edyta Walkowska