Director of Religious Education & Diocesan Advisor for Post Primary Schools
Colette O’ Doherty
Ferns Diocesan Centre, St Peter’s College, Wexford
Telephone: 053-9145511
Nurturing our Children’s Faith
The Director is responsible for religious education at all levels throughout the diocese, with particular responsibility for secondary schools.
Diocesan Advisor for Primary School Catechetics
Ms Mairin Jackson
C/O Bishop’s House, Summerhill, Wexford, Co. Wexford
Telephone: 087-2222522
The Diocesan Advisor for Primary School Catechetics supports parents, teachers and priests in the religious education of children. In addition to school visits she organises meetings with parents in preparation for their children receiving the Sacraments of 1st Confession, 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Diocesan Education Secretary
Colm O’ Tiarnaigh
“Cill Ide”, Summerhill, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford
Mobile: 087 1841412
The Diocesan Education Secretary represents the Bishop in matters pertaining to the delivery of primary education in schools under his patronage.
- Independent Asssessors 2025-2027_
- Independent Assessors for L&M Appointments
- Appointment of a Teacher
- Appointment of a Principal
- Appointment of a Deputy Principal
- Appointment of an SNA
- BOM Update Form
- Independent Assessors Payment
- Application form for Teaching Posts
- Garda Vetting Forms. Garda Vetting Forms should be sent to the Safeguarding Office, Bishop’s House, PO Box 40, Wexford
- Governance Manual for Primary Schools 2019-2023