After a very successful pilot, the first three modules of this exciting new digital programme will be available for first teaching in September 2023.  We are now able to offer teachers links to further information as set out below: 

  1. The first link is to an in-service video (25 minutes) which was prepared by Siobhan O’Donoghue, one of the writers of the programme.  In the video, Siobhan outlines the aims and structure of this fully digital programme, and guides teachers through the content of the first three modules. Each module has five units.

  1. The second link is to a sample unit.  It is part of Module 2: Climate Justice, Unit 3: Meeting the Challenge to Live Sustainably.  This is so teachers can have access to a unit within a module to try it out and see how they might use it with a class.

  1. The third item that we are offering to teachers is the attached Scope and Sequence document. This contains an overview of each of the modules which will be available to schools for first teaching in September.  This is to allow teachers to plan for the next school year. 

new horizons scope v3 M1-3