In November we are encouraged to pray for those who have gone before us, family and friends, which is natural enough. However, it does not end there for we are asked also to pray for those who may have no one to pray for them. In this way we are joined to others in the Christian family and reminded that we are a wide community united in our belief in Jesus and his Resurrection.

Those in purgatory cannot pray for themselves but one day they may be able to pray for us when we are in the same position. Perhaps this is why Pope St John XXIII wrote the following words “The devotion to the memory of the dead is one of the most beautiful expressions of the Catholic spirit.” See below some ideas for November to use with your students. 

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace



For a wonderful resource pack which is packed to the brim with lesson plans, reflections, music, games and much more just click  HERE


Diocese of Limerick resource from 2020 which is full of prayer reflections, liturgies, exercises and guidance on how we can make the most of November. Just click HERE


An abundance of beautiful readings, psalms, reflections, poetry and songs put together for the month of November by Diocese of Limerick. Just click HERE


How to invite students to remember those who have died is to create a Tree of Remembrance in the school.  For a lesson plan and cutouts just click HERE


For further resources check out Dublin Diocese HERE


For work sheets, prayer services also check out the Diocesan of Ferns website HERE


Catholic Schools Week – November Moment
In preparation for Catholic Schools Week 2025 Theme which is ‘Alive in Christ’ there’s a ‘November Moment’ resource with prayers, music, suggested activities and more. It can be downloaded in both English and Irish at this link


When a parent, grandparent, or loved one dies, children, (and adults, too) may feel helpless. They wish they could do something! The teaching on purgatory says they can do something valuable — and should!  To find out more check out HERE.


November Liturgical Calendar

(click on each heading to bring you to further information)




 All Saints





 The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls)




 31ˢᵗ Sunday in Ordinary Time





 Saint Charles Borromeo, bishop




 Tuesday in the 31ˢᵗ Week in Ordinary Time


 Saint Martin de Porres, religious




 All Saints of Ireland




 Thursday in the 31ˢᵗ Week in Ordinary Time


 Saint Willibrord, bishop




 Friday in the 31ˢᵗ Week in Ordinary Time




 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome




 32ⁿ Sunday in Ordinary Time





 Saint Martin of Tours, bishop




 Saint Josaphat, bishop and martyr




 Wednesday in the 32ⁿᵈ Week in Ordinary Time




 Thursday in the 32ⁿᵈ Week in Ordinary Time


 Saint Laurence O’Toole, bishop




 Friday in the 32ⁿᵈ Week in Ordinary Time


 Saint Albert the Great, bishop and doctor of the Church




 Saturday in the 32ⁿᵈ Week in Ordinary Time


 Saint Gertrude, virgin


 Saint Margaret of Scotland


 The Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday




 33ʳᵈ Sunday in Ordinary Time





 Monday in the 33ʳᵈ Week in Ordinary Time


 The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Rome, apostles




 Tuesday in the 33ʳᵈ Week in Ordinary Time




 Wednesday in the 33ʳᵈ Week in Ordinary Time




 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary




 Saint Cecilia, virgin and martyr




 Saint Columban, abbot




 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe





 Monday in the 34ᵗʰ Week in Ordinary Time


 Saint Catherine of Alexandria, virgin and martyr


 Saint Clement I, pope and martyr


 Saint Colman of Cloyne, bishop




 Tuesday in the 34ᵗʰ Week in Ordinary Time




 Wednesday in the 34ᵗʰ Week in Ordinary Time


 Saint Vergilius of Salzburg, bishop




 Thursday in the 34ᵗʰ Week in Ordinary Time




 Friday in the 34ᵗʰ Week in Ordinary Time




 Saint Andrew, apostle


November Social Justice & Awareness Days

(Click on each of the days to bring you to further information)


International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists (A/RES/68/163)                        02 Nov


World Tsunami Awareness Day (A/RES/70/203)                                                                          05 Nov

International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict (A/RES/56/4)                                                                                                                       06 Nov


International Week of Science and Peace, 9-15 November (A/RES/43/61)                             09 Nov


World Science Day for Peace and Development (UNESCO 31 C/Resolution 20)                       10 Nov


World Diabetes Day (A/RES/61/225)                                                                                              14 Nov


International Day for the Prevention of and Fight against All Forms of Transnational Organized Crime (A/RES/78/267)                                                                                                                     15 Nov


International Day for Tolerance [UNESCO] (28 C/Resolution 5.61)                                           16 Nov


World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (A/RES/60/5)                                        17 Nov


World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week, 18-24 November [WHO]                             18 Nov


World Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Violence (A/RES/77/8)                                                                                                                               18 Nov


Africa Industrialization Day (A/RES/44/237)                                                                                 20 Nov


World Children’s Day (A/RES/836(IX))                                                                                            20 Nov


World Television Day (A/RES/51/205)                                                                                           21 Nov


World Philosophy Day [UNESCO] (33 C/Resolution 37)                                                              21 Nov


World Conjoined Twins Day (A/RES/78/313)                                                                                24 Nov


International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (A/RES/54/134)              25 Nov


World Sustainable Transport Day (A/RES/77/286)                                                                      26 Nov


Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare (OPCW C-20/DEC.10)                       30 Nov




The Holy Father’s Intentions for the Month of November


For anyone who has lost a child
We pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community and receive peace and consolation from the Holy Spirit.


For a prayer reflection on this month’s prayer click HERE


To watch this month’s video on Pope Francis’ prayer intention just click on the pic to the left.


The staff of the Bishops’ Conference, who work in the Columba Centre, Maynooth, will once again have a ‘Remembrance Tree’ placed in the foyer during the month of November.  Anyone is invited to write the name of their loved ones on the Autumn “leaves”, made of blank paper, which are placed on the tree.  For those who cannot attend Columba Centre in person, email requests with names of the faithful departed can be sent to, and these names will be added to the Remembrance Tree.

November 1st     All Saints Day


All Saints’ Day also called All Hallows, Hallowmas, and Feast of All Saints is held on November 1 each year and celebrates and honours all the Saints especially the Saints who are not honoured on other days of the year. The day is preceded by All Saints’ Eve the night before and then the day after followed by All Souls Day.


The 3 days together represent the All Hallowtide triduum (religious observance lasting 3 days) as a time to reflect and remember the saints, martyrs, and the faithful who have died.


The feast of All Saints should inspire us with tremendous hope when we recall to us Jesus’ promise that those who believe will never die but be born into new life in Christ. During this month we pray especially for our departed friends and loved ones on the last great journey towards the eternal light of God.


‘Have you not read what was said to you by God, “I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?” He is God not of the dead, but of the living.’ (Matt 22:31-32)


Ní imithe uainn atá siad, ach imithe romhainn.
They are not gone from us but gone before us.

See PDF on All Saints Day which is a significant Lesson Plan compliments of Hilda Campbell Diocese of Ossory.  Just click HERE


Download the list of saints, cut them into individual strips, put them in a basket and let a Saint choose you! Let each student know that they will help them and intercede for them during their lives!  Click HERE


Check out Loyola Press for lesson plans and resources ideal for 1st and 2nd years All Saints Day | Loyola Press














November 2nd All Souls’ Day

The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed

All Souls’ Day commemorates the faithful departed. November is a time for remembering and praying for our loved ones who have gone before us and whose loss we feel. It is a time when we are particularly conscious of those in our parishes who are grieving and all those families who have lost loved ones in the past year.

See PDF on All Souls Day Lesson Plan: HERE


Father Columba has encountered many ghosts in his time. Some good, some bad. He shares how to know the difference, and what we should do when we encounter one. It might be a good idea first to look at this 10 minute video in advance to decide on what age group it is more appropriate for but it is a very good informative video delivered in a light-hearted way, to view it just click HERE

Discussion Questions

  1. What do you imagine will happen to you after you die?
  2. Who is someone who has died with whom you feel a special connection? Explain the connection.
  3. If there were a blueprint for becoming a saint, what would it include?

Additional Lessons and Assignments

  • Present more information on the Church’s belief in the final purification of the dead, known as purgatory. See the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1030-1032, for more information.
  • Lead a discussion about respect for the dead, including Church regulations on the burial of the dead, autopsies, organ donation, and cremation (see CCC, 2299-2301).
  • Have the students write and share short biographies of deceased family members who have taken their place with the communion of the saints.
  • Watch a film on the life of a Saint.

Sourced from Ave Maria Press click HERE

Classroom Resources Blog for November by Brendan O’Regan of Faitharts

A friend recently asked me about resources on the theme of remembrance for November, which got me thinking. This page is the result … hope teachers will find it useful.

I was originally asked to suggest a film for the occasion, and A Walk to Remember (2002) sprung to mind. It’s a trendy teen film whose heroine is genuinely religious. The opening is dramatic and the film holds the attention with its fine characterisations. It is not overbearing in its positive messages and that’s not all that’s going on. Apart from faith it deals with relationships, school bullying, marriage and death. Hard to fault though the ending is somewhat sentimental. I have found that it is popular with young adults.

Music wise we are spoiled for choice and there are many suitable songs that could enhance remembrance prayer services. My favourite is ‘Now is the Time for Tears’, by Charlie Peacock from the album Coram Deo (play it on left). Based on Scripture it explores our reaction to bereavement – how there can be times we don’t know what to say, or say too much.

The lyrics are here, entry for March 12th. I like Leonard Cohen’s ‘Going Home’ (lyrics here) – the chorus is particularly appealing, as is the imagery in these lines: ‘Going home Behind the curtain Going home Without this costume That I wore’. However the ironic ‘lazy bastard’ reference might not be what teachers would like to hear during a prayer service!

Another very personal song about bereavement is Judy Bailey’s ‘Life Goes On’ from her album Travelling (see video below). The lyrics are here – just scroll down to the relevant track. below is the official music video but you can see her performance of the song at World Youth Day here.

Beth Nielsen Chapman’s album Sand and Water grew out of her own experience of bereavement when her first husband died. Particularly suitable are the title track, ‘Beyond the Blue’and ‘Say Goodnight’. 

Poetry-wise ‘Felix Randal‘ by Gerard Manley Hopkins springs to mind. The priest-poet tends to a blacksmith who eventually dies, but lives on in a positive memory.  Patrick Kavanagh’s poems Memory of My Father and Memory of My Mother will strike a chord with many readers.

Sourced from Faitharts just click HERE  



November 3rd

St. Malachy / Naomh Maolmhaodhóg

St. Malachy was Archbishop of Armagh and was the first Irish saint canonised by a Pope. St Malachy is the patron of the dioceses of Down & Connor. As well as being a committed monk, Malachy struggled heroically to wrest control of the Church from lay dynasties and give bishops effective authority in their dioceses in 12th century Ireland.Let us ask for the intercession of St Malachy, that we may grow in the grace of God as our parish grows in the family of God.


For more information on this Saint please click HERE

For a very interesting 8 minute video on St Malacy by Fr Conor McGrath with on location information just click HERE


November 4th : Memorial of St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop / N. Seárlas Borromeo, Easpag

St. Charles Borromeo (1538-1584) was a member of a noble family and a nephew of Pope Pius IV. He was made a Cardinal at the age of 23 and assisted the Pope in administering the affairs of the Holy See and in governing the Church. Soon thereafter he was made Archbishop of Milan. “Great was Charles’ love of neighbour and liberality toward the poor. When the plague raged in Milan, he sold his household furniture, even his bed, to aid the sick and needy, and thereafter slept upon bare boards. He visited those stricken by the disease, consoled them as a tender father, conferred upon them the sacraments with his own hands. A true mediator, he implored forgiveness day and night from the throne of grace”. He died on November 3, at the age of 46. He was beatified on May 12, 1602 by Pope Paul V and his feast day is celebrated on November 4th. 

You can find more information on this Saint HERE

You can view an informative 2 minute video on the Saint HERE

November 5th

St. Martin de Porres / Naomh Máirtín de Porres


Today the Church celebrates the optional memorial of St. Martin de Porres, who lived a life of fasting, prayer, and penance as a Dominican lay brother. Martin was praised for his unconditional care of all people, regardless of race or wealth his life reflected his great love for God and all of God’s gifts. Martin fed, sheltered, and doctored hundreds of families his charity that made him the patron saint of social justice. St. Martin died on November 3rd, 1639 and is buried in the Convento Santo Domingo in Lima, Peru.


For more information on this Saint please click on the following link: HERE

For a lovely gentle video by Catholic Online on St Martin De Porres please click HERE


November 6th

All the Saints of Ireland / Lá Fhéile Naomh na hÉireann

Photo: Apse, Irish College, Rome


In Ireland on the 6th of November, we celebrate the Feast of All the Saints of Ireland. Pope Benedict XV beatified Oliver Plunkett in 1920 and during his papacy also (1914-22) the Feast of All the Saints of Ireland was instituted. The same Pope also granted Ireland the honour of having a litany of its native saints approved for public recitation. Only four saints, St Malachy (1094-1148), St Lawrence O’Toole (1128-80) and St Oliver Plunkett (1625-81) and St Charles of Mount Argus (1821-93), have been officially canonised. All the other Irish saints, such as Saints Patrick, Brigid, and Colmcille, are saints, as it were, by acclamation of the local Church.


  • For more information on this Feast Day please click here: HERE

A lovely lesson plan by Diocese of Waterford exploring what it means to be a Saint packed with videos, exercises and music.






Let us praise illustrious men (and women),
our ancestors in their successive generations.
The Lord has created an abundance of glory,
and displayed his greatness from earliest times.

(The Book of Kells is believed to have been created sometime around 800A.D, when Ireland was said to be the Island of Saints and Scholars.)



November 9th

Dedication of the Lateran Basilica


Dedication of St John Lateran The Lateran Basilica, the cathedral of the diocese of Rome, was dedicated to Christ the Saviour in the fourth century. The anniversary has been celebrated as a feast of the Latin Church on this date since the twelfth century.

It honours the local Church of Rome as a link with earliest Christian tradition and as a sign of our communion in Christ.  Although the Pope lives in the Vatican and in the shadow of St Peter’s Basilica, the  Basilica of St John Lateran is The Cathedral of the Most Holy Saviour and of Saints John the Baptist and the Evangelist in the Lateran is also known as the Papal Archbasilica of Saint John.


  • It is considered the mother church of the Roman Catholic faithful, traditionally the Pope’s church, the cathedral church of the diocese of Rome, where the Bishop of Rome presided in the ‘old days’.
  • The pope is still its bishop.  
  • It has as its patrons St John the Evangelist and St John the Baptist.
  • This cathedral is the seat of papal authority and therefore is, in a sense, the parish church of Catholics everywhere.
  • The baptistery is adjacent to the basilica.
  • Since the 7th century it has also been known as the Basilica of the Most Holy Saviour.

·      For further information on the history of the Basilica just click HERE.

·      For a full tour of the Basilica in a 22 minute video click HERE the YouTube video is conveniently divided up into all the different sections of the Basilica. 











November 10th St Leo the Great

He was born in Etruria and became Pope in 440. He was a true shepherd and father of souls. He constantly strove to keep the faith whole and strenuously defended the unity of the Church. He repelled the invasions of the barbarians or alleviated their effects, famously persuading Attila the Hun not to march on Rome in 452, and preventing the invading Vandals from massacring the population in 455.   Leo left many doctrinal and spiritual writings behind and a number of them are included in the Office of Readings to this day. He died in 461.   See the articles in the Catholic Encyclopaedia and Wikipedia.


For a short yet concise video on St Leo in a 3 min video click HERE


November 11th St Martin of Tours


The Memorial of Saint Martin of Tours is celebrated on November 11. Saint Martin was born around the year 316 to pagan parents in what is now the country of Hungary. He became a catechumen (someone preparing for baptism) at an early age, but his parents would not allow him to be baptized. Martin’s father was a soldier, and at that time sons were to follow in their father’s footsteps. So Martin became a soldier. According to a legend, when Martin was a military officer, one cold and snowy evening he came across a beggar who was half naked and shivering. Martin took his sword and cut his own cloak in two, giving half of it to the beggar. Martin then dreamed that he saw Jesus wearing half of his cloak. This vision led to Martin’s baptism. Martin gave up the military life to become a soldier of Christ. He became a pacifist who believed it was not lawful to fight. The people of Tours (in modern day France) demanded that Martin become their bishop. Saint Martin was buried in Tours on November 11, 397. Since the 6th century, Martin of Tours’ Feast has been celebrated at Rome. He is the first Saint on the Roman Calendar who was not a martyr. His November 11 Feast Day became known as Martinmas and was a great harvest festival, as well as a celebration of peace, in Europe.


November 14th

St Laurence O’Toole / Lorcán Naofa Ó Tuathail


St Laurence O’Toole was born in Castledermot, Co. Kildare in 1128. He became Abbot of Glendalough in 1153 and Archbishop of Dublin in 1162. He died in Normandy on November 14th, 1180 and was canonised in 1225. His eventful life can be summarised under eight headings: Hostage, Monk, Archbishop, Contemplative, Mediator, Traveller, Legate and Saint.


For an Lesson Plan on St Laurance O’Toole which includes games, pictures, wordsearches as well as plenty of information on this Saint, just click HERE







A prayer to St. Laurence

St. Laurence O’Toole, man of peace, you were in the middle of family and political conflict from your earliest days. Give the gift of peace and hope to all who experience the trauma of division in families, in communities and among nations.   St. Laurence O’Toole, man of faith, you had the openness to accept a position of leadership in your community at an early age. Bless our young people with a spirit of generosity to offer themselves in the service of the Gospel.  Amen.




  • For further information on this Saint including a PowerPoint Presentation, Worksheets and Prayers, click HERE
  • Additional information can be found here: HERE



November 14th

World Diabetes Day / Lá Domhanda Diabaetas


 Globally, an estimated 422 million adults were living with diabetes in 2014, compared to 108 million in 1980. The global prevalence of diabetes has nearly doubled since 1980, rising from 4.7% to 8.5% in the adult population. This reflects an increase in associated risk factors such as being overweight or obese. Over the past decade, diabetes prevalence has risen faster in low and middle-income countries than in high-income countries.  The theme for World Diabetes Day 2024 is Diabetes & Wellbeing.



A selection of materials is available for use in awareness activities to support the World Diabetes Day 2024 campaign. These include posters, infographics, logos, banners, etc and can be located :


If you have any questions about the use of World Diabetes Day materials, please contact  The full toolkit can be accessed HERE

 A free interactive online education course developed by Diabetes Ireland, for people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.


The Diabetes SMART programme contains six interactive modules, covering topics that explain what diabetes is, understanding the key medical information such as blood glucose levels, managing illness, and providing lots of tips on healthy eating and getting active.


The programme has been developed by diabetes healthcare professionals to support a busy lifestyle and participants can pause their interactive learning at any stage of the journey and resume with ease. This resource will give people with Type 2 diabetes the knowledge and accessible tools to learn how to manage their condition from the comfort of their own home and protect their future health.  To access please click



November 17th

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims









As every year, the objectives of WDoR 2024 are to provide a platform for road traffic victims and their families to:

  • remember all people killed and seriously injured on the roads;
  • acknowledge the crucial work of the emergency services;
  • draw attention to the generally trivial legal response to culpable road deaths and injuries and advocate for an appropriately serious response;
  • advocate for better support for road traffic victims and victim families;
  • promote evidence-based actions to prevent and eventually stop further road traffic deaths and injuries


Every year, millions more road victims are added to the current toll of over 50 million killed and hundreds of millions injured since the first road death. It is an actual pandemic, affecting primarily our vulnerable and our young, which in addition to the trauma of injury and bereavement has also a devastating economic impact for countries, communities and families. Therefore, during the Decade of Action 2021-2030 the World Day has an important role of helping to achieve the 50% road casualty reduction target.

That day

The communication campaign for this year tells the stories of THAT DAY when traffic collisions stopped or changed the course of the victim’s lives forever. Each victim has her/his own story of that day, which their relatives, friends and acquaintances carry in their memory. The emotional charge of that day is so strong that it remains in our memory forever. Therefore, on World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2024, we remember the stories of “that day”.

Campaign materials – Final solutions and toolkits are available for everyone to use:  


Get the materials


A Special Memorial Mass to mark World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims takes place on Sunday 17th November, 2024 at 12.00 noon in Knock Basilica.

November 20th

Universal Children’s Day / Lá Uilíoch na Leanbh

World Children’s Day is UNICEF’s annual day of action for children, by children, marking the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child on 20 November.    World Children’s Day was first established in 1954 as Universal Children’s Day and is celebrated on 20 November each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children’s welfare.

“Around the world, children are showing us their strength and leadership advocating for a more sustainable world for all. Let us build on advances and re-commit to putting children first. For every child, every right”. UN Secretary-General António GuterresTo access resources for this day click :



  1. Guarantees rights to children

In typical government documents, the rights given to people are generally understood to be for adults. However, thanks to the UN, governments around the world have adopted treaties that guarantee children the right to life, health, education, play, family, protection from violence, discrimination, and suppression.

  1. They are the future

Changes take time. And by time, we mean generations. If we want to ensure a stable, safe, sustainable future for our planet, it starts with the children of today. That’s why early education is imperative, and the UN is leading the charge here.

  1. Raises awareness

It may be easy to overlook the problems facing children today if they aren’t apparent in your daily life. Universal Children’s Day seeks to spread the knowledge that there are millions of children around the world who don’t have access to education, healthcare, or opportunities


How to Celebrate World Children’s Day

Here are some ideas on how to celebrate World Children’s Day:

  • Organize events promoting children’s rights awareness and education.
  • Encourage children’s participation in decision-making and discussions.
  • Engage in fundraising for children’s charities and causes.
  • Hold workshops and activities focused on child protection and well-being.
  • Collaborate with schools to emphasize children’s rights through lessons.
  • Share stories and initiatives showcasing children’s accomplishments and potential.

November 21st

The Presentation of Mary / Toirbhirt na Maighdine Muire


The Feast of the Presentation of Mary is celebrated in both the Eastern and Western Churches. It recalls the day in the life of the Jewish girl named Mary (Maryam) when her parents, Joachim and Anne, presented her to the Lord in the temple and dedicated her life to Him. Mary had already been chosen by God, preserved by a singular grace as a chosen vessel through whom the Incarnate Word would be given for the salvation of the whole world.

Today’s Feast emphasises our response to God’s gifts. We remember the response of Mary’s mother and father in their decision to present her in the temple for dedication to the Lord. All parents are called to imitate their response by presenting their children for Baptism.


  • For further information click HERE
  • For additional information click here: HERE


The Presentation Sisters and Friends of Nano Nagle, all over the world, celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple on the 21st November each year. The Presentation Sisters were founded by Nano Nagle in Cork, Ireland in 1775. Nano was a woman of great courage who established secret schools (hedge schools) for Catholic children barred from education by oppressive British law. She taught long days, and at night she carried her lantern among Cork’s attics and alleyways, bringing comfort and hope to the city’s poor, sick, and elderly. 


  • For further information on Nano Nagle click here: HERE



It is sometimes difficult for modern Westerners to appreciate a feast like this. The Eastern Church, however, was quite open to this feast and even somewhat insistent about celebrating it. Even though the feast has no basis in history, it stresses an important truth about Mary: From the beginning of her life, she was dedicated to God. She herself became a greater temple than any made by hands. God came to dwell in her in a marvelous manner and sanctified her for her unique role in God’s saving work. At the same time, the magnificence of Mary enriches her children. They—we—too are temples of God and sanctified in order that we might enjoy and share in God’s saving work.

Sourced from

November 24th

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe  

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, formerly referred to as “Christ the King,” was established by Pope Pius XI in 1925 as an antidote to secularism, a way of life which leaves God out of man’s thinking and living and organises his life as if God did not exist. The feast is intended to proclaim in a striking and effective manner Christ’s royalty over individuals, families, society, governments, and nations.


This is a tremendous feast with which to end the liturgical year because it turns upside down all the pre-conceived ideas we have about hierarchy, kingship and what it means to be in authority. Jesus’ power comes from God and it is a power that builds people up rather than diminishes them. He does not deny that he is a king, but it is not the word he would use. The only thing that matters to him is the truth and that truth is God.

  • For further information click here: HERE
  • More information can be found here: HERE


Lesson Plan on Christ the King from Waterford & Lismore Diocese.


November 25th

International Day for the Elimination of Violence

against Women


UNiTE! Invest to Prevent Violence Against Women & Girls! #No Excuse

Violence against women and girls remains one of the most prevalent and pervasive human rights violations in the world. Globally, an estimated 736 million women — almost one in three — have been subjected to physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both, at least once in their life.

This scourge has intensified in different settings, including the workplace and online spaces, and has been exacerbated by post-pandemic effects, conflicts, and climate change.

The solution lies in robust responses, including investment in prevention. However, alarmingly, data on how much nations are committing to counteract violence against women and girls remains glaringly sparse.

For instance, just 5% of government aid is focused on tackling violence against women and girls, and less than 0.2% is directed to its prevention.

We need more investment in women’s organizations, better legislation, prosecution of perpetrators, more services for survivors, and training for law enforcement officials.

Join our 16 days of activism

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women will mark the launch of the UNiTE campaign (Nov 25- Dec 10) — an initiative of 16 days of activism concluding on the day that commemorates the International Human Rights Day (10 December).

This campaign Invest to Prevent Violence against Women & Girls will call on citizens to show how much they care about ending violence against women and girls and call on governments worldwide to share how they are investing in gender-based violence prevention. Join the global movement with the #NoExcuse slogan calling for urgent investments to prevent violence against women and girls. Dig deeper into the campaign’s proposals –data, prevention, investments– and join the global movement with the #NoExcuse slogan to eliminate violence against women and girls.

More information


November 27th

Feast of the Miraculous Medal

Today marks the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.  On this day, we commemorate the apparition of Our Blessed Mother to Saint Catherine Laboure (whose feast day is tomorrow, 28 November) and celebrate the vision Our Lady revealed to the young saint- the Miraculous Medal. 

It was in Paris, in the year 1830, part of a period when the Catholic Church was under attack from its many enemies, when “times are evil in France and in the world,” as Our Lady said.  While doing silent meditation, Saint Catherine had a striking vision of the Blessed Virgin, her beauty indescribable, standing on a globe. Rays of light shone forth from the precious gems on the Blessed Mother’s hands symbolizing the graces that she bestows upon us.  Catherine saw an oval frame formed around her, bearing the words “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.”  A voice then said to Catherine, “Have a medal struck after this model.  Persons who wear it will receive great graces, especially if they wear it around the neck.”

On the front, the medal shows Our Mother Mary standing on the globe (Mary, assumed into heaven, is the Queen of Heaven and Earth), as her feet stand on the head of the serpent (Mary is our protection). The oval-shaped medal is circled with the signature, “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.” At the back of the medal, twelve stars (12 Apostles who formed the first Church) surround a large “M” from which a cross (Jesus’ Cross and Redemption) arises. And below the “M” there are two flaming hearts (the burning love of Jesus and Mary for us). The left hearts are circled with thorns, which represents Jesus (the Sacred Heart who died for our sins). The right heart, pierced by a sword (her sorrows), symbolizes Mary (the Immaculate Heart who intercedes for us).

  • For further information please check the following: HERE


November 28th

St. Catherine Laboure / Naomh Caitríona Laboure

Traditionally today is the feast of St. Catherine Laboure who is associated with the miraculous medal devotion. For forty-five years from the time of her visions in 1831 until her death in 1876 she led an outwardly uneventful life as a Daughter of Charity in Paris. The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her, a member of the Daughters of Charity, three times in 1830 and commissioned her to have made the Miraculous Medal and to spread devotion to it. She was canonized in 1947. The Daughters’ Motherhouse in Paris marks the location of St. Catherine Labouré’s apparitions of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. 


  • For further information click here: HERE
  • A lovely video (4 min) of St Catherine’s life. Very interesting life story! Click HERE



November 30th

Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare 

This commemoration provides an opportunity to pay tribute to the victims of chemical warfare, as well as to reaffirm the commitment of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to the elimination of the threat of chemical weapons, thereby promoting the goals of peace, security, and multilateralism.

For all the facts and figures and why this day is remembered please click HERE





November 30th

St. Andrew the Apostle / Féile Naomh Aindriú, Aspal

Andrew, Peter’s brother, and John were the first disciples to follow the Lord. With tender delicacy the Gospel (John 1:35-42) describes their first meeting with Jesus. Andrew did not belong to the inner circle of the apostles, Peter, James and John, and the evangelists narrate nothing extraordinary about him (John 6:8); but tradition extols his great love of the Cross-and of the Saviour.  The film series entitled The Chosen is a free series that provides a glimpse into the relationship of those who knew Jesus.  The film series is free and can be accessed  using this link: 

  • For further information please click here: HERE