The first day of Advent heralds the beginning of the Catholic Church’s new year. Advent (from ‘ad-venire’ in Latin or “to come to”) is the Church season encompassing the four Sundays and weekdays leading up to the celebration of Christmas. Advent is a time of spiritual preparation for the Lord’s coming at Christmas.  Advent also prepares us for the second coming of Christ at the end of time.

The Advent season is a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and to the anniversary of Our Lord’s birth on Christmas. From the earliest days of the Church, people have been fascinated by Jesus’ promise to come back. But the scripture readings during Advent tell us not to waste our time with predictions. Advent is not about speculation. Our Advent readings call us to be alert and ready, not weighted down and distracted by the cares of this world (Lk 21:34-36). Like Lent, the liturgical colour for Advent is purple since both are seasons that prepare us for great feast days. Advent also includes an element of penance in the sense of preparing, quieting, and disciplining our hearts for the full joy of Christmas.

The final days of Advent, we focus on our preparation for the celebrations of the Nativity of our Lord at Christmas. In particular, the “O” Antiphons are sung during this period and have been by the Church since at least the eighth century. They are a magnificent theology that uses ancient biblical imagery drawn from the messianic hopes of the Old Testament to proclaim the coming of Christ as the fulfilment not only of Old Testament hopes, but of present ones as well.

Advent devotions including the Advent wreath, remind us of the meaning of the season. Our Advent calendar (linked below) can help you fully enter into the season with daily activity and prayer suggestions to prepare you spiritually for the birth of Jesus Christ.  




The Bishop’s Conference are delighted to be bringing you their digital Advent Calendar again this year.  To read Bishop Monahan’s words at the launch of the Advent Calendar please click HERE


To mark this special season, this year’s Advent calendar will offer resources for school, parish and home and will be accessible behind a virtual door that, as per tradition, can only be opened on each day of Advent.  Content available behind these virtual doors will include a short video message, seasonal crafts for children and prayers to assist us in keeping Christ at the centre of our Christmas preparations.


“The theme of this year’s Advent Calendar is Hope reminding us that Christian hope is not a passive feeling, but a powerful force that calls us to action, compassion, and solidarity.  In the midst of suffering and despair, we are called to renew our trust in God’s promises, to pray for peace, and to reach out with love to those who are experiencing misery.”  Bishop Monahan



Note: The virtual doors above cannot be opened ahead of their actual date. All content will go live in the early hours of each morning.



To access this calendar daily just click HERE.


Resources for Advent




If you’re looking for ways to care for our common home this Advent, this Advent calendar inspired by Laudato si’ gives you plenty of ideas about how you can make a difference in your daily life.  Just click on the pic for a beautiful downloadable print or click HERE





This is worth posting again as a resource pack for the Advent Season. Why not this year have your own wreath and candles and use this resource once a week to light the candles.  Text comes in both English and Irish.  Click on the pic or download HERE





On the left is a fabulous lesson plan by Diocese of Waterford & Lismore on preparing for Advent more lesson plans on Advent can be sourced from them HERE  while on the right is a clickable list of songs and videos relevant to the advent season.  Just click on the pic or HERE





Advent is upon us! Christmas … not yet, despite what the shops may tell us. Fr Columba lays down three pro tips for the best Advent and Christmas ever: something on fasting, prayer, and (of course) decorating.  He does all this in a 9 min video which is funny.  His videos are geared towards the college student.   So ideal for 6th years.  You can view this video HERE


Trocaire have a lovely resource for Advent which was developed in 2023 but could be used perfectly for this year.  You can access it HERE



I have attached a free liturgical eBook from which provides wonderful resources and links to resources for this well worth flicking through and is relevant to year 2024-2025.











December Liturgical Calendar

 (click on each Saint or underlined word to learn more)






 1ˢᵗ Sunday of Advent





 Monday in the 1ˢᵗ Week of Advent




 Saint Francis Xavier, priest




 Wednesday in the 1ˢᵗ Week of Advent


 Saint John Damascene, priest and doctor of the Church




 Thursday in the 1ˢᵗ Week of Advent




 Friday in the 1ˢᵗ Week of Advent


 Saint Nicholas, bishop




 Saint Ambrose, bishop and doctor of the Church




 2ⁿ Sunday of Advent





 The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary




 Tuesday in the 2ⁿᵈ Week of Advent


 Our Lady of Loreto




 Wednesday in the 2ⁿᵈ Week of Advent


 Saint Damasus I, pope




 Thursday in the 2ⁿᵈ Week of Advent


 Our Lady of Guadalupe


 Saint Finnian, bishop




 Saint Lucy, virgin and martyr




 Saint John of the Cross, priest and doctor of the Church




 3ʳᵈ Sunday of Advent (Gaudete)





 Monday in the 3ʳᵈ Week of Advent




 Advent Weekday (December 17)




 Advent Weekday (December 18)


 Saint Flannan, bishop




 Advent Weekday (December 19)




 Advent Weekday (December 20)


 Saint Fachanan, bishop




 Advent Weekday (December 21)


 Saint Peter Canisius, priest and doctor of the Church




 4ᵗʰ Sunday of Advent





 Advent Weekday (December 23)


 Saint John of Kanty, priest




 Advent Weekday (December 24)

Christmas Time





 The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)





 Saint Stephen, first martyr




 Saint John, apostle and evangelist




 The Holy Innocents, martyrs




 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph





 6ᵗʰ Day in the Octave of Christmas




 7ᵗʰ Day in the Octave of Christmas


 Saint Sylvester I, pope


List of International Social Justice Days



World AIDS Day                                                                                                                                                01 Dec

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery (A/RES/317(IV))                                                               02 Dec

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (A/RES/47/3)                                                                   03 Dec

International Day of Banks (A/RES/74/245)                                                                                                04 Dec

International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development (A/RES/40/212)                  05 Dec

World Soil Day (A/RES/68/232)                                                                                                                     05 Dec

International Civil Aviation Day (A/RES/51/33)                                                                                          07 Dec

International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime (A/RES/69/323)                                                                                                        09 Dec

International Anti-Corruption Day (A/RES/58/4)                                                                                       09 Dec

Human Rights Day (A/RES/423 (V))                                                                                                                             10 Dec

International Mountain Day (A/RES/57/245)                                                                                             11 Dec

International Day of Neutrality (A/RES/71/275)                                                                                        12 Dec

International Universal Health Coverage Day (A/RES/72/138)                                                                12 Dec

Arabic Language Day                                                                                                                                                      18 Dec

International Migrants Day (A/RES/55/93)                                                                                                                18 Dec

International Human Solidarity Day (A/RES/60/209)                                                                                20 Dec

World Basketball Day (A/RES/77/324)                                                                                                         21 Dec

International Day of Epidemic Preparedness (A/RES/75/27)                                                                   27 Dec





Pope John Paul II Participants

Ideas for ADVENT

At this stage most schools have their students signed up for the Pope John Paul II Awards and are well on their way to achieving their Bronze, Silver, Gold and even Papal Cross Awards.  Here are a few ideas for the Advent season.

  1. Christmas Decorations: Get your students to put up the decorations in the school including the crib.
  2. Go Christmas Carolling on the 18th of December in Wexford Town with Colette to raise money for the upcoming pilgrimage to Medjugorje. It is great fun!!
  3. Make a Jesse Tree for the School (instructions in this Calendar.
  4. Set up a Prayer Corner for young people to write down their Christmas wishes and intentions. The box of intentions can be sent to the local priest and a Mass could be said for all of them.
  5. Ensure all students have asked their parish do they need any help. (Contact to be made by parents in line with safeguarding procedures).
  6. Fundraise for those less well off locally.
  7. Create a Christmas Noticeboard and what reflects the Spirit of Christmas.
  8. Organise tea break for the teachers with hot chocolate and cakes as a thank you.
  9. Ask the students what they feel would be a good JPII activities to mark the Advent Season.


The Pope’s Prayer Intentions for the Month of December

THEME: For Pilgrims of Hope
Let us pray that this Jubilee strengthen us in our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in the midst of our lives, transforming us into pilgrims of Christian hope.


Pope Francis’ Monthly Video


Each month the Pope provides a short video normally around 2 minutes to accompany his monthly prayer intention.  You can view December’s video HERE.


ADVENT POETRY by Brendan O’Regan of


Advent has its own distinctive themes and Patrick Kavanagh’s poem Advent is always a good starting point, especially with older students, some of whom may be familiar with it from the Leaving Cert English course. It’s a useful way into the idea of Advent penance, and the purpose of it: ‘the dry black bread and the sugarless tea/Of penance will charm back the luxury/Of a child’s soul’. It also fits in with the idea of looking forward – not only to Christmas but beyond – ‘And Christ comes with a January flower. After some study the poem could be used in an Advent prayer service, along with some of the great music that illuminates the Advent themes.




Christians believed the Annunciation took place in springtime – the Annunciation is celebrated on 25 March, nine months before Christmas Day. So, Mary is often shown with a spring flower in a vase, which later became a lily, symbol of virginity.  To see more beautiful depictions of this moment and the hidden meanings in Annunciation paintings click HERE




Annunciation, Fra Angelico, 1438


There is a wonderful clip of the Angel Gabriel visiting Our Lady.  The clip is interesting because the video does not show Angel Gabriel and we only see Our Lady respond to what he is saying.  I think it is an interesting discussion piece, what must it have been like for a young girl to experience this divine visitation.  Why did she agree, why was she chosen, what must she have been thinking.  The clip can be source HERE it is 2.23 minutes.


  • A Christmas Carol 1984 such a classic film with a great message. There are so many versions but this is one of the best HERE
  • ETWN have released all their films for free. This one is called Reclaiming the Carol.  The late Charles Dickens returns to find that A Christmas Carol, and the holiday it celebrates, has become overshadowed by glitz and commercialism in this touching story about the true meaning of Christmas.
  • It’s a Wonderful Life is such a feel good film that has to be part of the Christmas Calendar with a great message ‘Each person’s life touches so many lives.’
  • The Christ Child: A Nativity Story: This unique depiction of the Nativity story recounts in beautiful detail the sacred events found in the Bible, which describes Jesus’s birth over 2,000 years ago. Just click HERE





1st of December / Mí na Samhna

First Sunday of Advent /An Chéad Domhnach den Aidbhint

Starting a new Liturgical Year

At the midday Angelus on the first Sunday of Advent, Pope Francis encourages us to turn our gaze to heaven and to open our hearts to the Lord who carries our burdens and sustains us on our journey.


Pope Francis led the customary Angelus prayer on this first Sunday of Advent and reflected on the Gospel reading in which Jesus speaks to us about cosmic upheavals and the anxieties and fears humanity faces. The reading recounts how the Lord offers words of hope and encouragement. When speaking of the coming of the Son of Man, He tells his disciples to stand up and raise their heads to heaven as their redemption is at hand.

The Pope explained how the Lord’s concern is that the disciples’ hearts do not grow “drowsy” with earthly concerns and that “they await the coming of the Son of Man with vigilance.”

Persecutions, wars and natural disasters made up the catastrophic events of many of Jesus’ contemporaries, the Pope pointed out, and anxieties for the future and the end of the world abounded. The Lord knows their hearts are burdened with fear, the Pope observed, and He helps the disciples be free of worldly anxieties and false convictions of security, by showing them how to be vigilant with their minds and hearts, remembering God’s plan for salvation even amidst the most dramatic events of history. He explained that by turning our gaze to heaven, we can better put into context the challenges in our lives as we journey to the Lord. 



The Pope said Jesus’ call to vigilance and awareness extends to all of us as well. He suggested we reflect on our own lives and outlooks, whether we are letting ourselves be discouraged or crushed by the anxieties and worries of our lives and world situations, or if we have the faith and courage to lift our heads up to see the Lord who is our help and salvation.


“If worries weigh down our hearts and induce us to close in on ourselves, Jesus, on the other hand, invites us to lift up our heads, to trust in His love that wants to save us and that draws close to us in every situation of our existence. He asks us to make room for Him in order to find hope again.”


In conclusion, the Pope prayed that this Advent season may be “a precious opportunity to lift our gaze to Him, who lightens our hearts and sustains us on our way.”  For the full article just click HERE and for the full speech just click  HERE

Check out Ascend’s lesson plan full of reflections, debates, videos, etc as we embark on Advent HERE


December 1st / Nollaig 1 Saints of this Day

Blessed Charles de Foucauld

Blessed Charles Eugène de Foucauld was a French Catholic religious and priest living among the Tuareg in the Sahara in Algeria at the turn of the 20th century. He was assassinated in 1916 outside the door of the fort he built for the protection of the Tuareg and is considered by the Catholic Church to be a martyr. His inspiration and writings led to the founding of the Little Brothers of Jesus among other religious congregations. He was beatified on November 13, 2005, by Pope Benedict XVI.


  • For more information on this Saint click :HERE
  • For a lovely 9-minute review of Blessed Charles life and how it can be relevant to our own lives today see HERE
  • To watch an ETWN short video (6 mins) as to the miracle that led Charles de Foucauld be declared a saint click HERE



St. Edmund Campion / Naomh Éamann Campion

One of many Catholics to suffer at the hands of the English government in the wake of Henry VIII’s separation from the Church of Rome, Saint Edmund Campion could have led a privileged life as a renowned scholar but could not follow the newly founded Anglican faith.

He was forced to flee Britain because of his beliefs and, when he returned to his homeland less than a decade later as a missionary, he was executed for them.

Campion was eventually arrested by a spy while at Lyford in Berkshire and was taken to the Tower of London. He spent more than four months imprisoned there, during which time he was offered freedom should he renounce his faith and, when he refused, was tortured on the rack. He was tried in court and found guilty of treason. As punishment for his crime, Campion, together with two other priests, was hanged, drawn, and quartered before a crowd. He was only 25 years old. He was beatified in 1886 and canonised as one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales in 1970. 


  • For more information click HERE
  • Enemies of Edmund Campion (1540-1581) disparagingly referred to his apologia as “Campion’s Brag,” the title by which his “Challenge to the Privy Council” is most commonly known today. It is perhaps the earliest defence of the faith to appear in English during the Reformation. The apologia can be found HERE
  • A 2-minute video on Edmund Campion can be found HERE



St. Eligius / Naomh Eligius

St. Eligius was a seventh-century saint who lived in France. He was born around 588 AD in France, near Limoges. Eligius founded the monastery of Solignac, which followed the joint rules of St. Columban and St. Benedict. He began missionary work into central Europe and cared for the poor and sick wherever he went. St. Eligius died on December 1, 660. St. Eligius was a widely venerated saint during the Middle Ages throughout Europe.

He provides an admirable model of how a Christian can work in and with the material world and yet continue to always serve God. For more information click  HERE


December 2nd: International Day: Abolition of Slavery

The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, 2 December, marks the date of the adoption, by the General Assembly, of the United Nations Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others (resolution 317(IV) of 2 December 1949).  On this International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, we shine a light on the estimated 50 million people worldwide trapped in horrific conditions – from human trafficking to forced labour, sexual exploitation and forced marriage. To read the speech by the Secretary-General of the United Nations click HERE.

The focus of this day is on eradicating contemporary forms of slavery, such as trafficking in persons, sexual exploitation, the worst forms of child labour, forced marriage, and the forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict. 

  • To watch an informative video on the global estimates of modern-day slavery click HERE
  • The Santa Marta Group is an alliance of international police chiefs and bishops from around the world working together with civil society in a process endorsed by Pope Francis, to eradicate human trafficking and modern-day slavery. The Pope describes trafficking as “an open wound on the body of contemporary society”. Visit our ‘HERE‘ for more information.
  • The NO PROJECT provide lesson plans with teachers notes suited for senior students. The lesson plans address diverse aspects of the crime, and each real-life narrative is approached with respect and non-sensationalism. To check out what is available it is worth click HERE
  • To explore things that we can do to try and make change go to HERE



December 3rd: Memorial of St. Francis Xavier

Jesus asked, “What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?” (Matthew 16:26a). These words were repeated to a young teacher of philosophy who had a highly promising career in academics, with success and a life of prestige and honour before him. Francis Xavier, 24 at the time, and living and teaching in Paris, did not heed these words at once. They came from a good friend, Ignatius of Loyola, whose tireless persuasion finally won the young man to Christ. Francis then made the Spiritual Exercises  under the direction of Ignatius, and in 1534, joined his little community, the infant Society of Jesus. Together at Montmartre they vowed poverty, chastity, obedience, and apostolic service according to the directions of the pope.  

Reflection / Machnamh

“All of us are called to “go and preach to all nations—see Matthew 28:19. Our preaching is not necessarily on distant shores but to our families, our children, our spouse, our co-workers. And we are called to preach not with words, but by our everyday lives. Only by sacrifice, the giving up of all selfish gain, could Francis Xavier be free to bear the Good News to the world. Sacrifice is leaving yourself behind at times for a greater good, the good of prayer, the good of helping someone in need, the good of just listening to another. The greatest gift we have is our time. Francis Xavier gave his to others”.   For more information see: HERE




The most interesting thing about this St Francis is that he was heading in one direction but through the influence of his friends he realised he was made for so much more.  To explore more about what this means is Fr Columba who discusses what it means to be called to Holiness you can view this 6 minute video HERE

December 3rd: International Day of People with Disabilities

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) is observed annually on December 3rd. The theme for this year is “Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future.”


Key Goals and Call to Action

  • Promoting the leadership of persons with disabilities in all areas of life.
  • Ensuring the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of society.   
  • Increasing the participation of persons with disabilities in decision-making processes.   
  • Raising awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities.
  • Celebrating the achievements of persons with disabilities.   


In the United Arab Emirates, persons with disabilities are known as persons of determination. “The term ‘people of determination’ centres around focusing on capabilities and empowering those with disabilities rather than focusing on their deficits”, explains Fatma Al Jassim, a disability activist who shows leadership on inclusion at EXPO 2020 and beyond.  To watch Fatma’s story in a 4-minute video click HERE  



Person of Commitment within this theme

Mary Temple Grandin (born August 29, 1947) is an American academic, inventor, and ethologist. She is a prominent proponent of the humane treatment of livestock for slaughter and the author of more than 60 scientific papers on animal behavior. Grandin is a consultant to the livestock industry, where she offers advice on animal behavior, and is also an autism spokesperson.[2]


Grandin is one of the first autistic people to document the insights she gained from her personal experiences with autism. She is a faculty member with Animal Sciences in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Colorado State University.  Every year, the Denver Business Journal honors women who are getting business done and helping their communities thrive.

The DBJ is happy to announce that, for the 25th anniversary of its OWIB event, it has chosen agricultural icon, academic superstar and autism advocate Temple Grandin as its 2024 Lifetime Achievement Award winner


December 6th St. Nicholas of Myra / Naomh Nioclás as Myra


Not much is known about this 4th century bishop, but that does not diminish his popularity around the world, both in the East and West. It is known that Nicholas was born in Lycia in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) and died in 352 A.D. as the Bishop of Myra. All other stories that surround Nicholas illustrate that he practised both the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. He was generous, strove to help the poor and disadvantaged, and worked tirelessly to defend the faith. St. Nicholas provided for the poor and sick and is the basis for the popular character of Santa Claus.

Saint Nicholas, bishop of Myra, is undoubtedly one of the most popular saints honoured in the Western world. He is primarily considered as the patron saint of children.


  • For more information: HERE & HERE
  • A clever short film by National Geographic on St Nicholas and how he became Santa can be found HERE a bit old but still interesting.





December 7th St. Ambrose / Naomh Ambrose

St. Ambrose (340-397) was born at Treves in Gaul, a territory which embraced modern France, Britain, Spain, and part of Africa. He studied in Rome and later became governor of Liguria and Aemelia with residence at Milan. While supervising the election of a new bishop of Milan in 374, he himself was suddenly acclaimed the bishop. He was only a catechumen at the time and was ordained a priest and consecrated a bishop on December 7. He wrote much on the Scriptures and Fathers, preached a homily every Sunday, resisted the interference of the secular powers with the rights of the Church, opposed the heretics, and was instrumental in bringing about the conversion of St. Augustine. He composed many hymns, promoted sacred chant, and took a great interest in the Liturgy.

Ambrose exemplifies for us the truly catholic character of Christianity. He is a man steeped in the learning, law, and culture of the ancients and of his contemporaries. Yet, in the midst of active involvement in this world, this thought runs through Ambrose’s life and preaching: The hidden meaning of the Scriptures calls our spirit to rise to another world.

  • For more information click HERE


Interesting Fact:

Ambrose is the patron Saint of beekeepers, and I came across a lovely little video of the Saint which would be ideal for 1st years as it is animated and provides a little insight into why he is patron Saint of beekeepers!  Click HERE


December 10th Second Sunday of Advent / An Dara Domhnach den Aidbhint


“As the journey of Advent continues, as we prepare to celebrate the nativity of Christ, John the Baptist’s call to conversion sounds out in our communities. It is a pressing invitation to open our hearts and to welcome the Son of God Who comes among us to make divine judgement manifest.  The ‘voice’ of the great prophet asks us to prepare the way for the coming Lord in the deserts of today, internal and external deserts, thirsting for the water of life which is Christ.” — Benedict XVI.


Prepare the way of the Lord!

Make His Paths Straight

If we’re throwing the doors of our hearts open and begging the Lord to come in, it makes sense that we should make the path in as smooth as possible.  We can oftentimes over-complicate this issue.  Sometimes making the path straight does mean getting rid of certain practices in our lives that keep us from drawing close to Jesus.  But in the spirit of Advent, this means re-evaluating everything that we have in our lives already and seeing it as a gift.  In the season of Christmas, we will celebrate the greatest Gift of all, God come to live among us.  Advent is an opportunity to be more intentional in our practice of gratitude, by recognizing disguised gifts for what they truly are.


Think of someone in your life that you’ve had a difficult time with recently.  This could be a coworker, family member, or neighbour.  They are a gift.  We tend not to view nuisances in our lives as gifts but as pitfalls to our own growth in holiness.  But what if we looked at them as gifts?  What if, instead of seeing the people or the circumstances that have been giving us a difficult time as stumbling blocks, we saw them as graces?  Would gold be as valuable if it wasn’t purified by fire?  We wouldn’t be holy if we didn’t have opportunities to grow in our faith through struggle and trial.  Making the paths of the Lord straight means going out of our way to smooth His way before Him.  When we increase in disproportionate anger, resentment, and other vices, we make His path rough before Him.  When we actively strive to cultivate charity and other virtues towards difficult people in our lives, we are making the path smoother.  For full article and other resources click


  • Check out more HERE
  • For Advent Resources check out the Ferns Website
  • For a short film on John the Baptist (11 mins) click HERE


December 9th   Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated today and is a holy day of obligation. The Immaculate Conception means is that God filled Mary with grace and preserved her free from all stain of original sin. Many people believe that the feast celebrates Jesus’ conception, but in fact it celebrates Mary’s Immaculate Conception; the fact that Mary was, from the very first moment of her existence (her conception), without sin, and chosen to be the Mother of Jesus.


  • 8 Things to Know About the Immaculate Conception can be found HERE
  • Fr Mike Schmitz gives an interesting explanation in an 8 minute video on the Immaculate Conception HERE he followed up with a 6 minute video HERE
  • Take a virtual tour of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. The website has easy sections already made so you could do groups by those categories: liturgy, sacred music, history & heritage, and art & architecture.



December 9th: St Juan Diego Cuahtlatoatzin


Saint Juan Diego was born in 1474 as Cuauhtlatoatzin, a native to Mexico. He became the first Roman Catholic indigenous saint from the Americas.


Following the early death of his father, Juan Diego was taken to live with his uncle. From the age of three, he was raised in line with the Aztec pagan religion, but always showed signs of having a mystical sense of life.

He was recognized for his religious fervour, his respectful and gracious attitude toward the Virgin Mary and his Bishop Juan de Zumarraga, and his undying love for his ill uncle.


When a group of 12 Franciscan missionaries arrived in Mexico in 1524, he and his wife, Maria Lucia, converted to Catholicism and were among the first to be baptized in the region. Juan Diego was very committed to his new life and would walk long distances to receive religious instruction at the Franciscan mission station at Tlatelolco.


On December 9, 1531, Juan Diego was in a hurry to make it to Mass and celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. However, he was stopped by the beautiful sight of a radiant woman who introduced herself, in his native tongue, as the “ever-perfect holy Mary, who has the honour to be the mother of the true God.”


There is such a great video (20 mins) of the story of Juan that is interesting to watch and you can source it  HERE what is most spectacular and miraculous is that the last visit by Our Lady to Juan provided a beautiful image of her on a cloth, what is miraculous is that cloth is still intact against all scientific probability. 


What a great research project for teenagers to investigate this possibility.  For an hour long scientific film on the miraculous event click HERE





December 10th: International Day of Human Rights


2024 Theme: Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now.

Human rights can empower individuals and communities to forge a better tomorrow. By embracing and trusting the full power of human rights as the path to the world we want, we can become more peaceful, equal and sustainable.


This Human Rights Day we focus on how human rights are a pathway to solutions, playing a critical role as a preventative, protective and transformative force for good. As UN Secretary-General António Guterres has said, “Human rights are the foundation for peaceful, just, and inclusive societies.”

This year’s theme is a call to acknowledge the importance and relevance of human rights in our everyday lives. We have an opportunity to change perceptions by speaking up against hate speech, correcting misinformation and countering disinformation. This is the time to mobilize action to reinvigorate a global movement for human rights.


Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December — the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The UDHR is a milestone document, which proclaims the inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being – regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Available in more than 500 languages, it is the most translated document in the world.


Pope Francis continually repeats that “it is regrettable to note that many fundamental rights are still being violated today”. What are they?


  • The right to life, particularly of the unborn and the elderly (see Evangelii gaudium, 213; Addressto the Association of Science and Life)
  • The rights of women who suffer “violence and oppression, even within their own families”.
  • The rights of the victims of human trafficking and modern forms of slavery
  • The right to food and water (See Laudato Si’, 30; Address to the Seminaron the “Human Right to Water”)
  • The right to health care which “is not a consumer good, but a universal right” (Addressto Doctors with Africa CUAMM)
  • The right to live in peace.
  • The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
  • The right to own property, which is neither “absolute or inviolable” and is subordinated to the “the universal destination of goods” (See Laudato Si93)
  • The right to work.
  • The right to migrate and freedom of movement.
  • The right to form a family.
  • The right of children to a father and a mother (See Addressto the International Catholic Child Bureau (BICE))
  • The right for parents to provide for the religious and moral education of their children.
  • The right not be colonised by those who want to impose certain ideologies, such as gender ideology (Meetingwith young people in Naples; Addressto the Polish Bishops in Krakow; Meeting with priests, religious and pastoral workers in Tbilisi, Georgia)
  • The right to conscientious objection (Addressto Catholic Doctors)
  • The right to speak which extends also to the Church (See Evangelii gaudium, 182)
  • The right to receive the proclamation of the Gospel (See Evangelii gaudium, 14)
  • The right to be happy (See Laudato Si’44; Evangelii gaudium, 182)


* For every point noted, the Pope’s Address to Members of the Diplomatic Corps Accredited to the Holy See on 8 January, 2018 can also be consulted.  Information sourced via HERE


Teacher:  Bishop Ger is available and delighted to visit schools and meet with your senior students, in particular 6th years.  He is actively engaging in a listening process that enables our young people to discuss their faith and what they want or need from the Church at this time.  If you would like to enable this to happen in your school, please contact


December 12th: Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe


In 1910 Our Lady of Guadalupe was declared Patroness of Latin America, and in 1945 Pope Pius XII declared her to be the Empress of all the Americas. She appeared to an Indian convert named Juan Diego on December 9, 1531. She left a marvellous portrait of herself on the mantle of Juan Diego.  This is such an incredible story as a lot of scientific research has been recorded in relation to the mantle. 

This miraculous image has proved to be ageless and is kept in the shrine built in her honour, the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

In these days when we hear so much about God’s preferential option for the poor, Our Lady of Guadalupe cries out to us that God’s love for and identification with the poor is an age-old truth that stems from the Gospel itself.


This is such a great story as it lives on today in the mystery of the mantle exists today and so many scientific studies are available as proof of its mysterious existence.  What a project this could be for our young people to research the Mantle. There is a wonderful documentary (with subtitles) that tells the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe which can be found HERE  (20 minutes long)

Also worth viewing is this video which demonstrates the proof of its miraculous existence.  This can be viewed HERE  (18 minutes) it is truly amazing.

For further resources on the following from Hallow just click on each below




December 15th: Third Sunday of Advent / An Triú Domhnach den Aidbhint

“Rejoice: The Lord is coming.”

Today, the third Sunday of Advent is called ‘Guadete Sunday’ which means ‘Joy’ or Rejoice. The opening antiphon for today’s liturgy asks us to Rejoice is the Lord always. Indeed, the Lord is near. 

Today, on our Advent Wreath we light our pink candle to mark this day of joy. As Christmas draws near, the Church emphasises the joy which should be in our hearts over all that the birth of our Saviour means for us.

Many examples can be named, to illustrate God’s blessing in our lives: reasons to be joyful. Like the northern Irish writer C.S. Lewis, we too can be “surprised by joy,” and re-discover gladness and meaning in life.        

Exercise for Class


Ask each student to divide a page into six boxes i.e., one line down the middle of the page and two lines across.  Ask each student to draw a symbol to represent 6 things they are grateful for in their lives. 


Some examples are family, friends, food, health, warmth, faith, grandparents, etc.  It is always a positive exercise to take time out to realise all the reasons we have to be joyful and thankful.



December 14th  : Memorial of St. John of the Cross


St. John of the Cross (1542-1591) was born and died in Spain. In 1563 he offered himself as a lay brother to the Carmelite friars, who, however, perceiving his unusual talents, had him ordained a priest. When he was about to join the more severe Order of the Carthusians, the saintly Teresa persuaded him to remain and help her in the reform of the Carmelite Order. This reform of his order caused him such sufferings and brought him many trials. However, his sufferings served only to detach him from creatures. He had a great devotion to Our Lord’s Passion and voluntarily sought out humiliations. When Our Lord asked him, what reward he would ask for his labours, John answered: “To suffer and to be despised for Thee.” He died of a cruel disease, embracing the crucifix. Because of his profound treatises on mystical theology Pope Pius XI proclaimed him Doctor of the Church.  One of St John of the Cross’ works is called the Dark Night of the Soul (PDF)


For further information on this Saint just click HERE







St John of the Cross and the Dark Night of the Soul

The phrase “dark night of the soul” is thrown around quite a bit in Catholic circles, but what does it mean exactly? In this video, Fr. Mike Schmitz explains precisely what is happening in our souls when we feel this kind of spiritual darkness, and he encourages us to hang in there when it happens; because it means God is preparing our souls for much greater things.  You can view this 10-minute video HERE


December 18th International Migrants Day


What is International Migrants Day 2024?

International Migrants Day is a day to acknowledge and celebrate the diversity of migrant communities worldwide. It emphasizes the importance of upholding the rights and dignity of all migrants and refugees, regardless of their backgrounds or reasons for migration.

When is International Migrants Day 2024?

International Migrants Day is observed on December 18th each year. This date was chosen to coincide with the adoption of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families by the United Nations General Assembly in 1990.

How to Celebrate International Migrants Day 2024?

Celebrating International Migrants Day involves activities that promote inclusivity, empathy, and understanding of migrant experiences. Here are some ways to participate:

  • Attend Cultural Events: Participate in cultural events, exhibitions, and festivals that showcase the traditions and contributions of migrant communities in your area.
  • Learn About Migration Issues: Educate yourself about the challenges and issues faced by migrants, including displacement, human rights violations, and discrimination.
  • Support Migrant Organizations: Donate to or volunteer with organizations that provide assistance and advocacy for migrants and refugees.
  • Engage in Discussions: Engage in discussions and forums that address migration-related topics, including policies, integration, and the contributions of migrants to host societies.
  • Share Migrant Stories: Share stories and narratives of migrants’ journeys, resilience, and achievements to foster understanding and empathy.

December 21st St Peter Canisius


St Peter was born in Holland in 1591.  He intended to become a lawyer but joined the Jesuits.  Through courtesy and learning he promoted the Catholic revival after the Council of Trent.  His greatest work was a catechism of 2111 questions and answers published in 1555.  He died in 1597. If you have too much to do, with God’s help you will find time to do it all. —Peter Canisius.  For a 2 min video on this Saint please click HERE


December 22nd: Fourth Sunday of Advent

This is the last Sunday of our preparation for Christmas, the anniversary of Christ’s birth. The story of the Annunciation calls to our attention God’s wondrous action in human history. God chose a human person to give birth to his Son so that all humanity would know God’s salvation. Mary, already full of God’s grace, was able to cooperate in this great plan for our salvation. Thus, Jesus was born as one of us, fully human and also fully divine. This is the mystery we prepare to celebrate at Christmas, the mystery of the Incarnation. In the model of Mary, we pray that we will be people of faith who recognise God’s saving plan for us and are able respond with obedience.

“Today is a suitable occasion to look right into our hearts, to see how we stand with God. During the week we shall be keeping the feast of Christmas. The Baby in the manger will remind us of what God has done and is still doing for us. What are we doing in return? Have we shown our gratitude by living as true followers of Christ? If most of us must answer: “no,” this is the time to change our course and return to the right road once more. God is asking this of us today. Will our answer echo Mary’s: “behold here I am Lord, your humble and grateful servant, let it be done to me according to your word”?

For more information just click HERE



Introduction to Christmas

Christmas is surely the most loved season of the Liturgical Year. Throughout this wonderful time there will always be much hustle and bustle, shopping and baking and gift giving. But precisely because of these human joys and preparations, it is important to learn to keep Christ in Christmas, to remain rooted in the fundamental spirituality of the Christmas Season. This is the joyful celebration of the coming of Our Lord and Saviour.

Christmastide extends from First Vespers on Christmas Eve to the Baptism of Our Lord, which usually falls on the Sunday after Epiphany. The mystery of the Incarnate God is one so marvellous that Holy Mother Church celebrates it for eight days, each day of the Octave being considered a “little Christmas”. For the Eucharistic Liturgy, the Church is exultant in her finest vestments of white or gold, making use of incense, as well as extra flowers and candles, to underscore the festal observance of the Lord’s Nativity. The Gloria—that Christmas hymn of the angels—is sung once again. With uncontainable joy the faithful raise their voices in numerous carols; and with humble gratitude, they bend their knees during the Creed at the mention of the Incarnation.

There are four different Masses on Christmas—the Vigil Mass, Masses at Midnight, dawn and during the day—each with its own distinct Propers and Readings. The message of all the Readings is the same: ‘Today is born for us a Saviour, God-with-us, the Light that the darkness cannot overcome.’ Only at the Midnight Mass, however, will the faithful hear chanted the Proclamation of the Birth of Our Saviour according to the Roman Martyrology.


It is fitting that the Christmas Octave closes, and the civil year begins with the

celebration of the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary under her most exalted title, the mother of God. Other feasts celebrated within the Octave include: the feast of the Holy Family, the feasts of St. John the Apostle, the Holy Innocents and St. Sylvester, and, in vestments of red, the feasts of the martyrs St. Stephen and St. Thomas Becket. The magnificent feast of Epiphany is celebrated with the same degree of solemnity as Christmas. However, the Feast is not a repetition of the Christmas mystery, but rather the manifestation of Christ, the light to the nations. On this feast the Church proclaims the date of Easter thereby connecting and orientating all feasts to the greatest Christian Solemnity. With the feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Theophany) the season of Christmastide comes to a close. Excerpt is from


December 24th: Christmas Eve

December 25th: The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)

December 27th: The Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph.